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Construction Connections

Networking mixers held at a builder’s spec home.


New Member Mixer: "Lay of the Land"

Held twice a year at Specialty Appliance.

New Member Action Plan

In 30 days:

❏  Sign up to attend the next New Member Mixer

❏  Log onto to verify your listing has the correct information

❏  Include the HBA logo on your website and place stickers at your place of business and vehicle.

❏  Like the NoCo HBA Facebook page

❏  Like the NoCo HBA Instagram page

Speak with a staff or member representative to learn about the association

In 60 days:

❏  Attend one or more of our monthly networking events

❏  Familiarize yourself with the Local, State and National websites to take advantage of all benefits offered:



❏  Display your Membership Certificate in your place of business


In 90 days:

❏  Sign up to participate on a Council or Committee that interest you

❏  Read your monthly e-newsletter

❏  Learn about the various events produced by the HBA

❏  Sign up to participate in an event

❏  Volunteer at an event

In 120 days:

❏ Follow up with any new connections you’ve made at the HBA

❏ Visit the HBA office
❏ Share your HBA experience with someone that would benefit from joining the association

❏ Sponsor a new member to the HBA

❏ Take advantage of advertising and sponsorship opportunities


In 6 months:

❏ Meet with a member of the staff or membership committee

❏ Discuss your HBA involvement
❏ Review the return you are receiving on your HBA investment
❏ Are we meeting the goals you set for joining?

❏ Submit a new member testimonial
❏ Enjoy the successes of your HBA membership

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