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Larimer County Chief Building Official Responds to COVID-19


Updated 3/19/2020


In response to National, State and City declarations of emergency, we are temporarily adjusting how we provide services. All City facilities were closed to the public beginning at noon on Wednesday, March 18, 2020.In this email, you will find important information on how Building Services will be serving our customers during this time, as well as how to contact us. Contact InformationBuilding Plan Review | or 970-416-2757Zoning | or 970-416-2745Development Review Coordinators | or 970-221-6689Planning | or 970-416-4311Historic Preservation |**Please note that because many staff are working remotely, we may be able to respond to inquiries and requests by email more quickly than by phone** Front counter staff can be reached by contacting us at or 970-416-2740. All calls and emails will be returned within 24 business hours.All permits will be submitted electronically via email at providing the file size is less than 25mb and meets submittal guidelines. For larger file transfers please contact or 970-416-2740, for information on how to submit your document. Please visit com/building for information on submittal guidelines.Over-the-counter permits will continue to be accepted utilizing the online submittal process here or they can be emailed to During this time, both credit card and trust account payments will be accepted. Once the application has been processed, a permit technician will call your company for payment. Once payment is received, the permit will be processed and available to download. For information on how to download a copy of your permit, please see this guide.All other building permits can be paid by credit card, trust account, or check via mail. Please note that permits paid by check may take longer to issue. Contact for other accommodations if you have an urgent need.For information on how to start a trust account, make payments, or other permit related questions please contact or 970-416-2740.

Front Counter Operations All new constructionTenant improvements or tenant finish outsInterior alterations, renovations and additions where the inspector will not have to travel through or be in the occupied portion of the building.Inspections necessary to maintain effective operations will be provided for all critical facilities, such as hospitals, nursing homes, Fire, Police, EOC, etc.Inspections necessary to restore utility interruptions will be provided for essential utilities, such as electrical, gas, water and sewer services.Inspections will be provided to address structural concerns resulting from incidents such as explosions, fires, vehicles hitting buildings, etc.Exterior weatherization of building envelopes, such as roofs, veneer, cladding, windows, doors, etc.

Building Inspections

Building inspectors will not be performing the following inspections: Any structure where a person is under self or medically ordered quarantine.All occupied one- or two-family homes and townhouses for:Water heater change outsHVAC change outsBasement finish outsMinor interior alterations, renovations additions, where the inspector will have to travel through or be in the occupied portion of the home.Boiler replacementsAll occupied commercial properties for:Water heater change outsHVAC change outsMinor interior alterations, renovations additions, where the inspector will have to travel through or be in the occupied portion of building.Boiler replacementsFor questions, please contact Rich Anderson, CBO, at

Building inspectors will continue to provide inspections for: All commercial and residential construction projects that are not listed above, including but not limited to: Contractor Licensing

Please submit applications electronically to contractor_licensing@fcgov.comFor more information on the City of Fort Collins response to COVID-19 (novel coronavirus), visit: Thank you for your understanding and patience during this time. Please contact us if you need any assistance in navigating these changes.Thank you,Rich Anderson Chief Building Official City of Fort Collins Office:  970-416-2748 Cell:  970-660-7320


Original Message from 3/17/2020

This message was sent out by Eric Fried, Chief Building Official, Fort Collins Community Development Department/Building Division

Building Division Service Changes During the COVID-19 Outbreak

In response to county, state and national Declarations of Emergency on March 13, 2020, we are temporarily changing how we provide our services, effective immediately until further notice.

Permits and Plans

The Community Development front counter and offices are closed to the public starting March 17th. We cannot accept in-person submittals of plans, permits and contractor license applications, or issue permits or licenses in-person. Customers may contact us by sending e-mail to, by calling (970) 498-7670 or sending mail to P.O. Box 1190, Fort Collins, CO 80521. Please continue calling (970) 498-7660 for building code questions. We are working to establish a drop box for submittals and pickups, as well as video conferencing to talk to permit technicians and plans examiners. Customers may continue to use our on-line portal at Fees may be paid on-line. Review of plans, permit applications and contractor licenses will continue, with much of our staff either working remotely or practicing social distancing in the office.


Inspections for the following will continue business-as-usual:

  • Non-Occupied Spaces (including New Construction)

  • Additions accessed from the exterior

  • Tenant Finishes of Unoccupied Commercial Spaces

  • Reroofs

  • Solar Permits

  • Footings & Foundations

  • Underground Plumbing

  • Sub Slab Radon

  • Slab Insulation

We will temporarily suspend conducting inspections inside occupied residences and commercial buildings to include:

  • Furnace

  • Water HeaterBoiler and Air Conditioning Installations

  • Basement FinishesInterior Remodels and Alterations

  • Vacation Home Life-Safety Surveys

  • Additions accessed through an occupied structure

We are quickly exploring work-arounds (such as live video streaming applications, photographs, contractor affidavits and notarized letters) to minimize inconvenience and avoid delays to our customers and aim to have those alternatives ready by the week of March 23, 2020. We will announce them when ready.




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Hours: Monday - Friday 9am-4pm

1907 North Boise Avenue Unit 1,

Loveland, Colorado 80538

© 2020 Home Builders Association of Northern Colorado 

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